Wednesday, January 14, 2015

From the book "Last Night I Sang to the Monster" by Benjamin Saenz:

"I have it in my head that when we're born, God writes things down on our hearts. See, on some people's hearts he writes happy and on some people's hearts he writes sad and on some people's hearts he writes crazy and on some people's hearts he writes genius and on some people's hearts he writes angry and on some people's hearts he writes winner and on some people's hearts he writes loser."
Negative Nelly, that's me and not me. Pollyanna, that's me and not me. I am on a positive island and yet the sea around me seems like it is full of negative waters that I can't swim through. But to not take the swim is my own choice. So glad a dear person I know named Judy is in my life. She reminds me that being positive and moving forward is my choice. Also she reminds me of the fortuitous life I live. Stay focused on the positive, Pam. Focus. Focus, Focus...
I finally looked at this blog o'mine for the first time since 2013!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

People love babies. So many people want babies. They are so cute. They are bundles of love. I loved my son when he was a baby. He had a laugh that came from his stomach, or so my cousin told me once. He was cute and every thing that a baby should be. But I find that as he approaches the age of 21 that he is an incredible adult. I am so glad that I decided that I would think he was great at every age. Most of the time I succeeded. I sometimes can not believe the man he is turning out to be. Why? Because I did understand we were raising an adult, not a child. Yes he was a child, but he will be an adult for much longer than he was ever a child. We are fortunate, he is incredible and so much more fun than the child he was.

Friday, June 14, 2013

A Favorite Passage from Aunt Dimity and the Family Tree by Nancy Atherton

I am not really sure of the reason for Aunt Dimity in this series, but I found a treasure of a scene in it. Lori's husband, Bill, is a lawyer and he explains one of his cases with their sons, Rob and Will. This is abridged.

As an estate attorney with an international clientele, he was always on call.
Will: "Are you going away, daddy?"
Bill: "Not tonight, but I may have to take a trip tomorrow."
Rob: "Why?"
Bill: "Because a very nice lady is about to die. When she does, I'll have to make sure that her toys go the right people."
Will: "Does she have little boys?"
Bill: "She has four grown-up sons and they don't get along very well."
Rob: "Oh, they'll fight over the toys."
Will: "If they fight too much, you can take the toys away."
Rob: "And bring them to us."
Will: "We won't fight over them."
Bill: "I'll bear that in mind"

Now that.... is the best way to describe what estate attorney's run into time to time.

Monday, June 3, 2013

To the world from Kurt Vonnegut: A Hoosier Bokononist writes...

Favorite quote from the book "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut

"Someday, someday, this crazy world will have to end,
And our God will take things back that He to us did lend.
And if, on that sad day, you want to scold our God,
Why go right ahead and scold Him. He'll just smile and nod."

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I recently read a book called "The Famous DAR Murder Mystery" by Graham Landrum and I became totally lost in it. Meaning I was confused, but I managed to pick out of the confusion a quote I liked.

"People talk about what is wrong with our government and our communities and all that; but if they don't do anything about it they are just as guilty of tearing down our country as people they object to.  Our patriot heroes did something about the things that were wrong at the time; and if they hadn't , we'd still be paying a tax on tea. (Come to think of it, I believe we still do, only they call it sales tax.)"